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By Bill Moeller & John J KettlewellSince 1979, this book has been the piloting guide of choice for the tens of thousands of boaters traversing the 1,094-mile Intracoastal Waterway between Virginia and Florida each year. This sixth edition is double...
by Vince Welch Amos Burg (1901--1986), a native of Portland, Oregon, was the first to complete transits of the free-flowing, undammed Snake and Columbia Rivers by canoe, and in 1938 he became the first to navigate the length of the...
By Gifford JacksonA 12'6" rugged daysailer, we've carried plans for this boat for years. What makes this landscape-formatted book unique is you are actually seeing each and every of the thirty-five pages (albeit in reduced size) of the plans which...
By Charles J. DoaneA comprehensive guide to help you identify and equip the boat that best suits your needs Well-known boating writer Charles Doane unravels the complexity of cruising sailboat design and explains the fundamentals and the ramifications of each...
By Dave GerrBoat noodling. Boat lovers suffer universally from this benign affliction. In its mildest form, boat noodling is nothing more than wondering why that sloop in the next slip is faster than yours. In a more significant manifestation it...
The Nautical Almanac For The Year 1981 Data in this book are no longer valid for navigation. It is preserved in print because many training programs (including USCG and US Navy ) use examples from 1981 to teach celestial navigation....
by J. Duane Sept The Pacific Northwest coast is home to one of the most diverse displays of intertidal marine life in the world, including sponges, clams, snails, crabs, sea stars, sea anemones, jellies, fishes, seaweeds and more. The New Beachcomber’s...
By Reuel B. ParkerIdeally suited to the amateur builder wanting a good, solid cruising boat, this is a complete "soup-to-nuts" presentation of the cold-molding process, with chapters detailing every facet of construction – from choosing a design and setting-up, through...
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By Peter Hunn"Incredible amount of detail about all those kickers from the past, including an appendix with comprehensive model-year information." – WoodenBoat "This book is the one to buy if you are interested in collecting antique outboard motors." – Boating...
By Charlie WingYour quick-access guide to international and U.S. boating rulesThe U.S. Coast Guard requires every boat more than 39-feet long to carry a copy of the nautical rules of the road onboard. Here's one that is convenient and handy...
By Sheila MillsEnjoy gourmet cooking outdoors With this book and a Dutch oven – a readily available cooking pot with legs and a snug-fitting lid – you have the keys to camp cooking as you've never tasted it! Dishes like...
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By Douglas R. BurgessThe Secret Alliances Between History's Most Notorious Buccaneers and Colonial America Was classical piracy an earlier version of state-sponsored terrorism? Here's the story of how almost every well-known buccaneer of the "Golden Age of Piracy" enjoyed active...
By John VigorThe Practical Mariner's Book of Knowledge is either the most useful boating book ever designed to entertain or the most entertaining book ever designed to be useful. In its alphabetical organization that juxtaposes wildly disparate entries, you can...
By Dave GerrOn the surface, choosing the correct propeller for a particular boat seems simple. But one factor affects another, which then affects another factor, leading many boaters to believe that propeller selection depends more on black magic than logic....
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By Steve HenkelFor the first time ever, a comparative survey of 95 percent of the fiberglass pocketcruising sailboats ever built Author Steve Henkel has researched hundreds of cruising sailboats less than 26 feet long – pocket cruisers – to create...
By Bruce BauerLoran and GPS notwithstanding, there will always be a place for the sextant aboard any blue-water boat, if for no other reason than the thrill and mystery of finding one's position on earth by gazing at the heavens....
By Jay S. HannaThe classic text on carving sternboards, billetheads, trailboards, eagles, dolphins, rope borders, a variety of letter styles, and more. Learn design, and lettering, set-up and carving techniques, the best woods to use, tools and sharpening, finishing, plus...
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By Nick SchadeAlthough books on strip building canoes abound, this is among the first to adapt the technique to crafting attractive, functional kayaks. Using high-quality, computer-generated illustrations and photographs to explain key techniques, the book provides complete plans and measurements...
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By Janet GroeneBe prepared to cook without a kitchen and eat healthy foods for days, weeks, even months! Whether you're camping, boating, traveling, or staying home, make sure you have enough food in case of an emergency. This book is...
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By Ryel KestenbaumDeveloped primarily for long-distance treks, the ultralight method is considered by many traditional backpackers as too austere. Author Ryel Kestenbaum shows that thanks to recent improvements in equipment design and manufacture, as well as in food processing, ultralight...
By Robert J. SweetRead what the the U.S. Power Squadron and the U.S. Coast Guard trust as the definitive authority on electronic navigation, now updated with the latest electronic technologies and methods The Weekend Navigator teaches you how to navigate...
By the editors of WoodenBoat MagazineThese 30 designs include: 6 powerboats, 6 daysailers, 11 cruising boats, 2 canoes, a kayak, and 4 small sailing/pulling boats. Also included is an article by designer Joel White on understanding boat plans. This is...
By Don CaseyTurn a run-down fiberglass boat into a first-class yacht Since it first appeared in 1991, Don Casey's This Old Boat has helped tens of thousands of sailors refurbish older fiberglass boats and has become a revered classic among...