These are also known as VP-OS sheets. Graduated circle printed at the center allows meridians of longitude to be constructed for any latitude, thus creating, custom-made chart for any geographical position. Pad of 50 sheets.
MARINE RADIO TELEPHONE LOGBOOK BK-128 80 pages. 8 x 11. Coil bound to lie flat. This logbook contains excerpts from current regulations and satisfies the requirements for recording radiotelephone communications when regulations require such a record. It complies...
60pg. 8½" x 11" complies with revised MARPOL 73/78, ANNEX V as amended by Resolution MEPC.201(62) & 33 CFR Part 151 entries for 60 days for "manned oceangoing ship" 40+ feet in length engaged in commerce and either documented or...
For all U.S. and Foreign Vessels Equipped with Ballast Tanks Operating in United States Waters [Complies with 33 CFR Part 151, Subparts C & D and IMO Resolution A.868(20), Appendix 1] ISBN: 1-879778-83-1
90-day coverage 14"x8½" pages are permanently bound in the book and are not detachable pages because this logbook remains aboard the vessel
BK-652 Cargo Record Book for Ships Carrying Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk. MET. 01/10/2007. Complies with MARPOL 73/78 ANNEX II REG 15. 46 CFR 153.909 ISBN: ME652 Spiral Bound Book
Item #: BK-354 Price: $49.95 14x8.5 in. logbook for vessels with 4 engines 31 day coverage 3 carbon copies lays flat
The Regulation Logbook is an 8.5 x 11 in. “official” logbook for use by inspected vessels on coastwise, rivers, lakes, bays and sounds for domestic voyages. It covers 60 days. It contains an introduction on the new requirements for official...
90-day coverage 14"x8½" pages are permanently bound in the book and are not detachable pages because this logbook remains aboard the vessel