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By Daniel SpurrIs your boat ready to go cruising?Just about every sailboat – used and new – can make a good cruiser, but only if the hull-deck structure, rig, and systems meet certain standards. Spurr's Guide to Upgrading Your Cruising...
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by Janice M. Straley (Editor)Marine Biologist Ed Ricketts, immortalized for his adventures with John Steinbeck in the Sea of Cortez, traveled from Monterey, California to Southeast Alaska in 1932 on an ocean journey that inspired his visionary research on wave...
by Rob Casey and Dave Kalama Longtime stand up paddler and instructor Rob Casey has authored the first and only comprehensive guide to the sport. From choosing the right gear to stroke techniques (j-stroke, Tahitian, sculling brace) and fitness advice,...
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By Greg Babcock This is an excellent beginner's guide to the night sky, filled with charts, guides, and tons of information. Complete with beautiful color illustrations and photos, this book will familiarize you with the night sky and some of...
by Navigation historian Bruce Stark has devoted many years to perfecting this modern version of Lunar Distance tables
by June Fleming Designed to show hikers, backpackers, and other outdoor roamers how to make practical use of map and compass, along with other routefinding skills, this handbook deals with situations and problems travelers are likely to encounter. -/-/-/-SPLIT-\-\-\- Description...
by Dean Littlepage In 1741, a Russian expedition ship captained by Vitus Bering carried the first scientist to set foot anywhere on the western half of North America. Georg Steller would introduce the world to the staggering wealth and diversity...
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By Chris KulczyckiIn Stitch-and-Glue Boatbuilding, one of the leading practitioners and teachers of the craft assembles the definitive how-to manual for the most popular method of amateur boatbuilding today. Enlivened with tales of boat shop mishaps and designs gone bad...
By Lin & Larry PardeyIn a storm at sea, luck is highly biased toward the sailor who has a plan. So write Lin and Larry Pardey in this, the third edition of their highly regarded Storm Tactics Handbook. As in...
By Tom LochhaasWhen you are more likely to drown while boating: sailing on rough waters or docking on a sunny, calm day? Rough waters may seem the clear choice to you, but docking on a sunny, calm day can turn...
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By John RobisonExpert instruction you need to take your skills from kook to boss Author John Robison uses hundreds of pictures – comical, cartoon-like drawings – to clearly illustrate every aspect of surfing: wave dynamics, riding techniques, etiquette, logistics, and...
By Henry C. MustinMustin's part-by-part look at hull, deck, rig, and machinery is both a minicourse for transforming used-boat shopping from a game of craps to a science, and the first step in a holistic boat maintenance program. His discussion...
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By Lin & Larry PardeyIncluding stories from paradise and hard-won lessons in seamanship, Taleisin's Tales reflects back to the first miles Lin and Larry Pardey gained together on their second boat – one they built lovingly with teak carvel planking...
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By Miner K Brotherton & Edwin R ShermanThe 12-Volt Bible for Boats is a clear, nonthreatening introduction to the 12-volt electrical systems used on small boats to power everything from reading lights to bilge pumps. This second edition is thoroughly...
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2017 Edition, Vol I & II Combined The American Practical Navigator (NGA Pub No. 9) describes the modern principles of marine navigation and includes the formulas, tables, data and instructions required by navigators to perform the computations associated with dead reckoning,...
By Joe PadudaThe Art of Sculling provides novice and experienced scullers with a comprehensive, illustrated guide to the equipment, techniques, and physiology of the sport. Beginners will find step-by-step instructions and photographs for launching and rigging a boat and developing...
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By Ralph NaranjoWind, waves, weather, and water demand the practiced art of seamanship Each time a sailboat casts off its docklines the sailor enters a marine realm that demands knowledge, preparedness, vigilance, and coolheadedness – these qualities are the foundation...
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By Chris TownsendWhat you need to know before you hit the trails Whether you are backpacking for the first time or a veteran follower of the trails, this enormously practical guide includes everything you need to know, from essential techniques...
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by We now have many valuable applications of accurate pressure, and we also have affordable ways to get it, and we have convenient ways to prove our instruments work properly
By Carolyn Shearlock & Jan IronsNo matter what anyone tells you, boat cooking IS different from cooking ashore. The space is smaller, there's no grocery store 5 minutes away, you have fewer prepared foods and electric appliances, and food storage...
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by Farley MowatIt seemed like a good idea