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Exploring the Eastern Gulf of Alaska




By Don Douglass & Reanne Hemingway-Douglass

This is an all-new addition to Don & Réanne Douglass's best-selling Exploring series of cruising guidebooks. This book details the near-shore route between Glacier Bay and Prince William Sound. Traditionally, boaters travel from Cape Spencer to Hinchinbrook Entrance by proceeding directly across 300+ miles of open North Pacific Ocean. However, weather permitting, cruisers can follow a longer and more scenic route by harbor-hopping the 10-fathom curve along Alaska's "Lost Coast." Don and Réanne Douglass describe the secure anchorages and open roadsteads which permit recreational mariners to travel during daylight hours and anchor every night. Truly secure shelter is limited to LItuya, Yakutat, and Icy Bays. However, with modern electronics, charts, and weather information, pleasure craft of all sizes can travel this route.

Supplemented by additional material on the geography and history of the area, the Douglasses provide their invaluable local knowledge, including anchor diagrams, information on timing safe entrance to the challenging harbors, and descriptions and locations of reefs and shoals not presently described in Coast Pilot or on NOAA charts. Traveling close to shore and following the Douglass's harbor-hopping strategy enables more leisurely visits to this relatively unexplored region. Magnificent mountain ranges, large secure bays, and stunning glaciers await you along one of the world's most dramatic and beautiful coastlines. The cruising paradise of Prince William Sound beckons

Don Douglass and Reanne Hemingway-Douglass have tracked more than 170,000 cruising miles over the past 30 years-from South America to Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians. They consider Alaskan waters as some of the finest in the world and they spend their summers on their research vessel, Baidarka. Don, who began exploring Northwest waters in 1949 as a youth, has sailed the Inside Passage on everything from a 26-foot pleasure craft and commercial fishing boats to a Coast Guard icebreaker. He holds a BSEE degree from California State University and a Masters in Business Economics from Claremont Graduate University. Don holds honorary membership in the International Association of Cape Horners and, as a founding father of the International Bicycling Association, was elected to the Mountain Biking Hall of Fame. Reanne Hemingway-Douglass holds a BA degree in French from Pomona College. She attended Claremont Graduate University and the University of Grenoble, France. She is the first woman to have bicycled across Tierra del Fuego. Together, the Douglasses have documented over 8,000 anchor sites in their six highly acclaimed guidebooks.

Title: Exploring the Eastern Gulf of Alaska
Author: Don Douglass & Reanne Hemingway-Douglass
Publisher: Fine Edge Nautical & Recreational Publishing
Edition: First Edition
Pages: 132
ISBN: 9781934199350
Binding: Paperback
Series: Douglass Guides

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