SIGN: Attention General Alarm. When Alarm Sounds or Flashes Go To Your Station. [Refer to 46 CFR 27.205 a3, 46 CFR 27.305.a3 Required on new and existing Towing Vessels in the engine room and any other area where background noise makes a general alarm...
SIGN: Always Use the Pre-lube Pump Before Starting This Engine to Prevent Dry Start Damage. SIZE: 4.25 x 2.5
SIGN: ALL PERSONS WORKING ON BARGES MUST WEAR WORK VESTS [A safety sign reminding inland mariners that falls overboard, are the greatest killer in the industry.] SIZE: 7.0 x 2.0
SIGN: All Crewmembers Must Wear a Work Vest and Use a Flashlight When Boarding Barges at Night SIZE: 9.0 x 4.25
Air Compressor. Drain Water Daily. Check Oil Levels. Caution! Compressed Air Can Cause Injury. [Safety sign that reminds crewmen about daily maintenance and dangers associated with compressed air. Also see S-210.] 6.0x2.75
SIGN: Accomodation Ladders [An ISM code safety poster MPL1013W Six illustrated safety checks to ensure that accommodation ladders are rigged safely for use.] SIZE: 13.0 x 18.5
SIGN: Abandon Ship [Vital actions preparing to abandon ship. An ISM code safety poster MPL1016W] SIZE:13.0 x 18.5
Watch Your Step Grasp Handrail When Using Ladder [Also see S-156, SSE-134] Size: 9.5 x 3.25
STENCIL PACKAGE. A complete stencil kit to label your vessels. Meets most USCG requirements. If more info is needed for the stencil kit, please email orders@prostarpublications.com and we can get you the images that go with it.
Hard Hat Area [For Personal Safety Also see S-160 S-161and S-38.] Size: 5.25 x 2.75
Warning! All doors and ports opening on deck must be kept closed during cargo and ballasting operations. [46 CFR 35.35-20] Also see S-S9 and SU2. Size: 11.5 x 6.25
DANGER No Smoking On Deck. Size: 10.0 x 7.0
DANGER Starts Automatically [Also see S-43] Size: 11.0 x 8.25
On This Bulkhead [To be used with S-W5.] Size: 7.25 x 0.75
No Burning or Welding in this Area. [Also see S- 338] Size: 7.0 x 2.75
Shut off Power Before Leaving. Size: 10.0 x 7.75
Keep Ullage Screen in Place at all Times. [Also see S-274] Size: 10.5 x 8.25
Close Doors When Loading Discharging Ballasting Tank Cleaning. Size: 11.0 x 9.5
Fire Extinguisher Foam Type Use on Grease or Oil fires and small fires of paper, wood, rags, etc. Do Not use on electrical fires. Size: 10.25 x 5.75
Fire Extinguisher CO2 Type Use on Oil, Electrical Gasoline, Grease and Chemical Fires. Size: 8.5 x 4.5