International Signaling Flags. MPL 1049W. An ISM Safety Poster. Size: 13 x 18.5
Stop Work Authority. Every employee or subcontractor has the authority to stop work if working condition are considered unsafe. 8.5x11. Green on white vinyl Size: 8.5 x 11
SIGN: Shipboard Food Hygiene [Recommended procedures for health and safety in pantries, galleys and freezers. An ISM code safety poster MPL1044W] SIZE: 13.0 x 18.5
SIGN: SLOP TANK [Green letters with white background.] SIZE: 9.5 x 2.0
SIGN: Sewerage [With symbol. To identify holding tanks, piping, etc.] SIZE: 5.5 x 2.0
SIGN: SMOKE DETECTING ALARM [46 CFR 122.612g; 46 CFR 185.612e.] SIZE: 10.0 x 5.25
SIGN: General Alarm - When Bell Rings, Go to Your Stations. Alarma General - Cuando la Campana Suena, Dirijase a su Estacion. [This sign is available in two sizes, L & S. English & Spanish. Also see S-04 & S-08 above.] SIZE:...
SIGN: Fuel Transfer Emergency Shutoff. Apagado de Emergencia del Tranciege de Combustible. [English & Spanish.] SIZE: 7.75 x 1.75
SIGN: General Alarm Switch. [46 CFR §35.40-1 General Alarm Contact Maker--TB/ALL. Each general alarm contact maker must be marked in accordance with requirements in subchapter J Electrical Engineering Regulations of this chapter.] See S-08 as an alternative. SIZE: 4.0 x 3.25
SIGN: Liferaft Launching Procedure An ISM code safety poster MPL1002W [Six illustrated steps for launching an open lifeboat plus automatic launching from a submerged ship and instructions for righting an overturned liferaft. Complies with Solas 74, Chapter III, Regulation 9.] SIZE: 18.0 x 13.0
SIGN: MAINTAIN COOLANT AT THIS LEVEL Mount this sign at the correct level and in plain view as a reminder to check the expansion tank for each engine. SIZE: 3.25 x 2.0
SIGN: IN CASE OF FIRE TRIP TO STOP VENTILATION Refer to 46 CFR 111.103-1b2. The circuit breakers for ventilation on the main switchboard are marked with this sign. SIZE: 4.75 x 2.0
SIGN: IMO Safety Signs [Safety Signs and their meanings. An ISM code safety poster MPL1036W] SIZE: 13.0 x 18.5
SIGN: Gas Bottle Safety [Safe handling, storage and working practices. An ISM code safety poster MPL1032W] SIZE: 13.0 x 18.5
SIGN: Hot Work [Recommended safety preparation for hot work. An ISM code safety poster MPL1024W] SIZE: 13.0 x 18.5
SIGN: Gangways [Safe rigging and use of gangways. An ISM code safety poster MPL1014W] SIZE: 13.0 x 18.5
SIGN: LONG WIRES [Equipment Identification] SIZE: 3.5 x 2.0