Print Size: 36" x 30" Scale: 1:1,021,000 Captain's Supplies is a Print-on-Demand nautical chart dealer for Imray Charts. Charts are printed on high-quality heavy paper with waterproof ink. Other options available.
Print Size: 36" x 30" Scale: 1:750,000 Captain's Supplies is a Print-on-Demand nautical chart dealer for Imray Charts. Charts are printed on high-quality heavy paper with waterproof ink. Other options available.
Print Size: 36" x 30" Scale: 1:600,000 Captain's Supplies is a Print-on-Demand nautical chart dealer for Imray Charts. Charts are printed on high-quality heavy paper with waterproof ink. Other options available.
Print Size: 36" x 30" Scale: 1:170,000 Captain's Supplies is a Print-on-Demand nautical chart dealer for Imray Charts. Charts are printed on high-quality heavy paper with waterproof ink. Other options available.
Print Size: 36" x 30" Scale: 1:500,000 Captain's Supplies is a Print-on-Demand nautical chart dealer for Imray Charts. Charts are printed on high-quality heavy paper with waterproof ink. Other options available.
Print Size: 36" x 30" Scale: 1:60,000 Captain's Supplies is a Print-on-Demand nautical chart dealer for Imray Charts. Charts are printed on high-quality heavy paper with waterproof ink. Other options available.
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By Jon TurkThe thrilling account of an extraordinary journey in the tradition of Kon-TikiIn 1996 a 9,500-year-old skeleton was found beside the Columbia River, galvanizing anthropologists with the possibility that prehistoric humans reached North America from Asia by crossing the...
by David Burch Practical small-craft navigation (sail or power) starting from the basics and ending with all that is needed to navigate safely and efficiently on inland and coastal waters in all weather conditions
Columbia River & Puget Sound to Grenville Channel, British Columbia Plot your own itinerary and prepare for your trip of a lifetime through the Inside Passage! Route Planning Maps allow a bird’s-eye view of the coastline in one view. Use...
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By Don CaseyWhether you are shopping for a used fiberglass boat or prioritizing maintenance tasks on the one you already own, this book saves money – and perhaps even disaster. With clear step-by-step drawings and instructions, Don Casey explains how...
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By Harold H. PaysonFrom the acknowledged master of the "instant boat" – tips, techniques, and designs for quick-and-easy plywood boatbuilding Dynamite Payson offers you a new guide to building 15 exciting boats from master designer Phil Bolger. Instant Boatbuilding with...
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By John J Kettlewell & Leslie Kettlewell$500 worth of government chart and coast pilot coverage – marked with waypoints, bridges, and the route! The Intracoastal Waterway Chartbook is a complete set of navigation charts for the 1,090-mile Intracoastal Waterway from...
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By Tom LochhaasAs vivid and engrossing as great sea fiction, Intrepid Voyagers captures the real-life adventures of fifteen legendary long-distance sailors – men and women who have sailed to the ends of the earth and returned to write about it....
By Ted MooresTed is the author of Canoecraft, one of the top books on strip-building canoes. Kayakcraft covers four Steve Killing designs, including the 17' Endeavour. Also included in the book are lines and offsets for a 14' sport kayak,...
by Rob Casey Observe seabirds nesting on Protection Island off the Olympic Peninsula, circumnavigate Shaw Island in the San Juans, or view intertidal life in Canada’s Gulf Islands. The intercostal waters of the Pacific Northwest offer some of the most...
By David KroenkeKnow Your Boat is here to rescue the millions of boaters who have always been afraid to peer into their boat's innards for fear of what they'll find. Here at last is the humorous, user-friendly guide that will...
$39.00 $65.00
by Roger C. Taylor L. Francis Herreshoff (1890-1972) was the most remarkable yacht designer of his time. Beginning his career in the shadow of his famous father, Nathanael G. Herreshoff, he emerged to become a designer who approached the perfection...
By Dennis FisherLatitude Hooks and Azimuth Rings is for people who like to work with their hands and who appreciate traditional nautical craftsmanship. You don't have to be the master of any craft to undertake any of these projects –...
By Barry LewisSail your very first day on the water Learn to Sail Today offers a uniquely fun and quick method for beginners to learn exactly what they need to enter the fun and rewarding world of sailing. Written specifically...
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By Diane Goodman & Ian BrodieThis book is about learning to sail. It follows the techniques perfected at the world-famous Annapolis Sailing School, where thousands of people just like you have learned to take tiller in hand and harness the...
As of right now this item is currently unavailable "Wish to Communicate" Made in the U.S. of 100% fade-resistant nylon with canvas heading. Great for indoor, outdoor, and marine use. Available in six sizes, and brass grommets, brass rings and...
"Stop Instantly"Made in the U.S. of 100% fade-resistant nylon with canvas heading. Great for indoor, outdoor, and marine use. Available in six sizes, and brass grommets, brass rings and snap hooks, or ash toggles.Please allow up to three weeks additional...
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"I Am Stopped"Made in the U.S. of 100% fade-resistant nylon with canvas heading. Great for indoor, outdoor, and marine use. Available in six sizes, and brass grommets, brass rings and snap hooks, or ash toggles.Please allow up to three weeks...
Edited by Richard A Block The Limited Master, Mate, & Operator home study course is broken into sections according to licenses sought. Books 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 prepare candidates for US Coast Guard endorsements up to 100 gross...