Pete Culler on Wooden Boats: The Master Craftsman's Collected Teachings on Boat Design, Building, Repair, and Use


By John G. Burke

The insights and wisdom of the late, great boat designer and builder

Renowned as one of the last and best of the old-time boatbuilders, Captain R. D. "Pete" Culler provided a guiding light for the wooden boat revival in the 1970s. His designs are classic melds of elegance and utility; his workmanship was akin to artistry; and his teaching and writing a blend of clarity, good sense, insight, and humor. This book brings together the complete texts of Culler's classic works Boats, Oars, and Rowing and Skiffs & Schooners, along with articles from The Mariner's Catalogs and a selection of his timeless boat designs.

Title: Pete Culler on Wooden Boats: The Master Craftsman's Collected Teachings on Boat Design, Building, Repair, and Use
Author: John G. Burke
Publisher: International Marine Publishing
Published: November 9, 2007
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9780071489799
Binding: Paperback

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