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Exploring Washington's Wild Areas


by Marge Mueller and Ted Mueller

Exploring Washington's Wild Areas is jam-packed with information on the state's federal roadless recreation land. There are 54 areas covered, including national parks, monuments, and wilderness areas, amounting to 4.1 million acres. Readers will find historical facts, trail descriptions, maps, and more.





Author Marge Mueller and Ted Mueller
Title Exploring Washington's Wild Areas: A Guide for Hikers, Backpackers, Climbers, Cross-Country Skiers, Paddlers
Edition Second Edition
Publisher Mountaineers Books
Publication Date April 1, 2002
Pages 462
Format Paperback
ISBN-13 978-0898868074


"This guide will get you into the back country pointed at some spectacular scenery and fishing water." (The Reel News)

"Here is a succinct summation — in words, photos, and maps — of Washington's officially designated wilderness areas. It's sure to appeal to all who care — and savor such areas." (Ruth Kirk, author, Exploring Washington's Past)

"... a terrific, comprehensive resource. For those of us who know about the diversity of Washington's wilderness, it's a consolidated and updated reference. For others, it's a great starting point for detailed trip planning and orientation ...A strong voice for official designation of those areas not currently protected under the National Wilderness Preservation System." ;(Pat O'Hara, environmental photographer)

"Completely updated and revised, this is the most comprehensive reference available for Washington State's 54 significant wilderness and roadless areas." (The Mountaineer)

"It is loaded with historical and geologic information that makes the book a keeper." (East Oregonian)

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