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Docks and Destinations


By Peter Vassilopoulos

This expanded, full-color illustrated edition contains updated details of all marinas from Olympia in Puget Sound to Prince Rupert. It includes information about overnight moorage and where to obtain supplies and services, fuel availability and much more. It includes GPS coordinates and golf course details, and expanded coverage of marinas and facilities in Haida Gwaii.

Docks & Destinations covers the British Columbia coast geographically south to north from the San Juan and Gulf Islands to the Sunshine Coast and Desolation Sound. It includes Victoria, Vancouver, Howe Sound, Nanaimo, Comox the Gulf Islands and Campbell River, Denman, Hornby and Lasqueti of the northern gulf islands and the Vancouver Island eastern coastline. Then continues through and beyond Desolation Sound into the Broughtons, Port Hardy and beyond Cape Caution to Rivers Inlet and on to Prince Rupert. Like its companion guide Anchorages and Marine Parks, it returns south by way of the West Coast of Vancouver Island.

It brings the mariner south by way of the west coast of Vancouver Island and through Juan de Fuca Strait to return to the lower mainland and Puget Sound where it includes Everett, Edmonds, Seattle, Lake Union, Tacoma, Admiralty Inlet, Hood Canal, around Bainbridge Island and the South Sound area to Olympia. When the next season approaches and boaters look forward to spending time at their favorite cruising destinations, Docks and Destinations will be their source for full details on marinas and the information needed for cruise planning and enjoyable boating.

Title: Docks and Destinations
Author: Peter Vassilopoulos
Publisher: Pacific Marine Publishing
Published: Jan 1, 2017
Edition: Ninth Edition
Pages: 328
ISBN: 978-0-919317-55-0
Binding: Paperback
Series: Peter V Cruising Guides

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