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by Question and answers on marine radar designed to accompany the Radar for Mariners
By Leif K KarlsenMost navigators have heard of Viking sunstones, but few realize they are more than legend. Leif Karlsen has brought them to life. He shows us how they work—now, and a thousand years ago—and what it was that...
by Navigation historian Bruce Stark has devoted many years to perfecting this modern version of Lunar Distance tables
by June Fleming Designed to show hikers, backpackers, and other outdoor roamers how to make practical use of map and compass, along with other routefinding skills, this handbook deals with situations and problems travelers are likely to encounter. -/-/-/-SPLIT-\-\-\- Description...
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2017 Edition, Vol I & II Combined The American Practical Navigator (NGA Pub No. 9) describes the modern principles of marine navigation and includes the formulas, tables, data and instructions required by navigators to perform the computations associated with dead reckoning,...
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By David Seidman & Paul ClevelandNow with full-color topographic maps and featuring the latest on electronic navigation, The Essential Wilderness Navigator is the clearest and most up-to-date route-finding primer available. Providing readers with exercises for developing a directional ‘sixth sense,'...
by J. Duane Sept The Pacific Northwest coast is home to one of the most diverse displays of intertidal marine life in the world, including sponges, clams, snails, crabs, sea stars, sea anemones, jellies, fishes, seaweeds and more. The New Beachcomber’s...
By Bruce BauerLoran and GPS notwithstanding, there will always be a place for the sextant aboard any blue-water boat, if for no other reason than the thrill and mystery of finding one's position on earth by gazing at the heavens....
by David Burch Some things change, some things stay the same. After 35 years in print, we find that the virtues and values of this book and the Star Finder it discusses have not changed. For navigators who might rely...
By Robert J. SweetRead what the the U.S. Power Squadron and the U.S. Coast Guard trust as the definitive authority on electronic navigation, now updated with the latest electronic technologies and methods The Weekend Navigator teaches you how to navigate...
September 2020 Edition, Corrected to August 12, 2024 Includes International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72COLREGS) and U.S. Inland Navigation Rules. Navigation Rules are regulations which aid mariners in safe navigation, just as driving laws aid vehicles...
by Bob Burns and Mike Burns Map and compass skills remain the foundation for traveling safely in the wilderness. Wilderness Navigation is the the official navigation textbook used in outdoor education courses by thousands of students. In this revised third edition,...